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: 2007-03-16, 20:28
autor: fobiak
erekcjato badziewie 128

zapierdalam caly dzien w kamieniolomach
po to abys ty zyla

pozno w nocy wyciagam giry na wersalce
wiatr nie zdazyl wywiac ze mnie
zapachu uplawow innych kobiet
a ty masz napady na lizanie

jestem zmeczony
jeszcze nie uslyszalem od ciebie slowa podziekowania

jedynie miauuuuuu

: 2007-03-21, 01:22
autor: yin
erekcjato crap 128

: 2007-03-21, 01:26
autor: yin
I've been busting my arse in the quarries all day long
so that you could make a living

late at night I strech my legs on the sofa
the wind hasn't managed to blow away from me
the smell of other women's discharge
and you have urges for licking

I'm tired
I still haven't heard your thanks

but miaoooooooow

: 2007-03-21, 10:49
autor: fobiak
yin, very much thanks

erekcjato crap 128

: 2007-03-21, 14:36
autor: yin
this needs correcting:

make a living- live on
for licking- to lick
I still haven't heard your thanks- I still haven't heard you say thank you

please, if someone can do it, thanks.

: 2007-03-21, 14:37
autor: dean
yin, you can do it as well :-D

: 2007-03-21, 19:42
autor: fobiak
I can`t i am not moderator for english erekcjato

I've been busting my arse in the quarries all day long
so that you could live on

late at night I strech my legs on the sofa
the wind hasn't managed to blow away from me
the smell of other women's discharge
and you have urges to lick

I'm tired
I still haven't heard you say thank you

: 2007-03-21, 19:43
autor: dean
yin can... I am hungry for her moderating...

: 2007-03-21, 20:10
autor: fobiak
I know

: 2007-03-21, 21:58
autor: yin
I can't. I'm a computer bimbo. I have no idea who made me a moderator...

: 2007-03-21, 22:02
autor: lila
yin, admin of this site. you just must press the edit above and then you can change the erekcjato of fobiak

: 2007-03-22, 10:34
autor: yin
I don't want to change it here in laboratorium, but on the main site.

: 2007-03-22, 10:36
autor: dean
you are moderator there, too... and not a "bimbo" :-D

: 2007-03-22, 10:53
autor: yin
thanks to coffee...